That’s why we answer personally most of the queries of our learners within 24 hours, no matter in which part of the world they are. We believe in being always accessible to our learners whenever they have a question. Our instructors are highly qualified researchers who have proven their mettle in the area of research/teaching and have published researches that have widely impacted the audience around the world. We build courses with no prior assumptions. Our courses are currently subscribed by over 31,000 researchers and learners coming from more than 150 countries around the world. Our aim is to take the skills of our learners from scratch to advanced level and maximize the strength of their impact in minimum possible time. At Scholarsight, we build comprehensive and in-depth courses on methods and research technologies covering all major steps involved. Scholarsight is a medium to empower the people around the world to master the art and science of higher research, scientific computing, and research technology. So, Join this course now and gift yourself the power of qualitative analysis using MAXQDA.
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I have distilled all the relevant concepts that you require to carry out your analysis is an easy to understand language as much possible with a lot of examples, practice and free datasets. Your time is precious, so look no further and don’t waste it on learning qualitative analysis in bits and pieces from random YouTube videos or difficult to digest voluminous books. You will get free access to all updates and new materials in future added to this course without paying anything extra. I never split my courses for revenue or anything. So, I keep on updating my courses by adding additional material as per new developments, student queries and time.

However, Rome was not built in a day, and so a good course evolves and not built in a single stint. I love building few courses which are self-contained in a sense you don’t need to look at multiple sources or take many courses for the same. Moreover, Udemy offers you an unconditional One Month’s Refund Guarantee in case you wish to take your money back.

I myself have been researchers from past 10 years so I understand the pain of being a researcher. I am very quick and supportive to the problems of my students. With this course, you get lifetime access and support in case you face any problem with your qualitative data analysis.

In case qualitative researchers are taught at masters or doctoral level they are presented in a very complex and esoteric manner making it very difficult for the students to comprehend the method of qualitative research. This is mainly because qualitative researchers are still not part of the curriculum of many universities and institutions around the world. If you look at the most of the researchers around yourself, their skills are often limited to quantitative research tools. There are two main types of researches: quantitative research and qualitative research. Welcome to Qualitative Data Analysis using MAXQDA.