NHTSA ID: 10126983 TSB ID: PIP3535C This preliminary information communication informs dealer technicians of a potential whining noise that can occur after servicing the water pump, water pump chain or cylinder head without use of the water pump sprocket holding tool. NHTSA ID: 10127230 TSB ID: PIP5325 This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician to help determine if the vehicle is equipped with factory or aftermarket compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, or bi-fuel systems. technician will gain access to the roller rockers to inspect them. NHTSA ID: 10129097 TSB ID: PIP5226B This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about finding needle bearings during an oil change. to allow the ice to melt so that it can be drained from the related component NHTSA ID: 10129073 TSB ID: PIP5540A This preliminary information communicates to the technician the need to inspect the induction system for potential icing issues in very cold ambient temperatures.

NHTSA ID: 10133086 TSB ID: 05-00-89-072C This informational bulletin provides information on how to save fuel and proper maintenance without using fuel or oil additives. NHTSA ID: 10134594 TSB ID: 150089005A This warranty administration bulletin provides dealership personnel with policy and procedure requirements for essential tools that include consumable parts (u.s. NHTSA ID: 10134625 TSB ID: 12-02-32-002A This technical bulletin provides a revision for 12-02-32-002 to add the 2013-2014 model years, add noise as a possible condition and add a note in the instructions section. NHTSA ID: 10135410 TSB ID: 00-05-22-002O This informational bulletin provides technicians with a brake lathe calibration procedure. NHTSA ID: 10135342 TSB ID: PIP5232A This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about gasoline powered cars, mid-size trucks, light duty trucks, and heavy duty trucks with premature catalytic converter failures. NHTSA ID: 10135240 TSB ID: 040604051D This informational bulletin provides information for maintenance cleaning of the fuel injectors.
For the full text of TSBs: Get a 1 year subscription for only $19.95 from ALLDATAdiy! Use Code DIYDISCOUNT. technician may find diagnostic trouble code p030 NHTSA ID: 10135316 TSB ID: PIP3333C This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about vehicles that have an intermittent engine misfire and a service engine soon malfunction indicator lamp. NHTSA ID: 10135322 TSB ID: PIP5232 This preliminary information communication provides information to the technician about gasoline powered cars, mid-size trucks, light duty trucks, and heavy duty trucks with premature catalytic converter failures. NHTSA ID: 10137601 TSB ID: 00-06-01-012G This informational bulletin advises the possible issues that may occur using a scotch brite pad or highly abrasive disk on engine surfaces.

NHTSA ID: 10137841 TSB ID: 12-03-10-001B This informational bulletin provides technicians with ways to decrease the tire slipping on the rim and reduce to possible chances of the customers concerns over tire vibration are repair. NHTSA ID: 10137620 TSB ID: 04-06-04-051D This informational bulletin provides information for maintenance cleaning of the fuel injectors. NHTSA ID: 10137621 TSB ID: 04-06-04-051E This informational bulletin provides information for maintenance cleaning of the fuel injectors.